Quentin Garrido

PhD student at Meta AI - FAIR and LIGM.
Jointly supervised by Yann LeCun and Laurent Najman.


I’m Quentin Garrido, a PhD student at Meta AI - FAIR and LIGM working on Self-Supervised Learning.

My particular area of focus is on joint embedding architectures applied to images and videos, but I also have an interest in leveraging these methods in other domains.

Previously, I obtained my master degree from the Mathématiques,Vision, Apprentissage (MVA) program at École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay. I also hold an engineering degree from ESIEE Paris in computer science.


Apr 24, 2023 Two papers accepted at ICML 2023, RankMe: Assessing the downstream performance of pretrained self-supervised representations by their rank and Self-supervised learning of Split Invariant Equivariant representations !
Mar 21, 2023 Our paper On the duality between contrastive and non-contrastive self-supervised learning has received an Oustanding Paper Honorable Mention at ICLR 2023 !
Jul 14, 2022 I have been awarded the Ian Lawson Van Toch Memorial Award for Outstanding Student Paper at ISMB 2022 for our work Visualizing hierarchies in scRNA-seq data using a density tree-biased autoencoder !
Mar 7, 2022 I have officialy started my PhD at Meta AI - FAIR and LIGM.